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Partnership with Healix Health Services

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Healix Health Services, enhancing their well-established health & wellbeing proposition.  Healix clients, More

Employee Consent – A thorny issue?

Employee Consent and Health Information When managing the health of an employee, one of the biggest areas of possible contention More

Health trends in Ireland – Do they affect your business?

In 2013 the Irish Government published a 60 page document entitled Health Ireland – A Framework for Improved Health & More

Vocational Rehabilitation – THE BENEFITS

IT WORKS! My apologies for shouting out loud in the subject title to this article, but having just seen an extremely interesting More

Is there a cure for the Healthcare and Wellness marketplace confusion?

Joining up the dots Why are Insurance Companies and Intermediaries incapable of joining up Private Medical Insurance (PMI) and Group More

Is it all in the mind?

In the week when all the news seems to be about EU referendums, the BBC has been running an excellent More

Fit for Work – NHS or Private?

Over the many years that we have been delivering early intervention absence management, for Insurers and Corporate clients, we have More

Early intervention – why wait until it becomes a claim?

A recent post by The Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA) entitled “Income Protection & getting back to work” detailed some More