SharePoint Instructions


How to access HCB SharePoint

How to use HCB SharePoint

Important information

  • Your HCB username – e.g. for David Thornton
  • Your HCB password – Given to you by Triumph
  • Case Manager Templates Team Site –
  • Case Manager Personal team Site –*
    *Replacing FirstnameSurname with your own name.

Triumph contact info

Telephone: 01844 261 555

Support Boundaries

If you have any issues accessing HCB’s SharePoint or the HCB email system you can contract Triumph Technologies on 01844 261 555 for help. Triumph can only help you if you have a working laptop that will connect to the internet.  If you need help that is outside of these boundaries Triumph can offer a basic support contract to cover you computer. Please ask if this is of interest.

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