Understanding that the return to work journey post working from home (WFH) / furlough restrictions, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, can be an anxious one and is not the same for all. We have developed a fully scalable, two-tier service to support individuals and employers every step of the way.
Aimed at those without pre-existing health conditions but who have been furloughed or subject to working from home restrictions and have voiced some anxiety about returning to their usual work environment. This service has been created to support both the employee and the employer with practical aspects of their return to work (RTW) plan. A service designed to be a simple one-off telephone call whereby an HCB Case Manager listens and works through any concerns. A report is then compiled and sent to the employer.
During these calls, if any individual is identified as high
risk, an additional conversation would be held and they would, subject to agreement with the employer, be transitioned into the Tier 2 service.
Aimed at those who have a pre-existing mental health condition or are deemed ‘high risk’ by PHE and have expressed anxiety about their RTW. An HCB Case Manager will carefully ascertain all details from the employee to ensure their needs can be met once back in the workplace. The Case Manager will also work with the employer to ensure they have guidance and support in all areas needed, and that any workplace modification is enabled prior to their return. A detailed report will be produced by the HCB Case Manager. If additional support is required, the employee can, subject to agreement with the employer, be transitioned into HCB’s standard Case Management.