
HCB News

Employee Consent – A thorny issue?

Employee Consent and Health Information When managing the health of an employee, one of the biggest areas of possible contention More

Early intervention

Health trends in Ireland – Do they affect your business?

In 2013 the Irish Government published a 60 page document entitled Health Ireland – A Framework for Improved Health & More

HCB News

Healthcare Trusts – Not just for IPT savings

A recent article by Kevin Gude from law firm Gowling WLG, talking about why employers have chosen to use healthcare More

HCB News

HCB Ireland – Work related sickness

1st issue of the HCB Ireland Newsletter published today. Did you know that Ireland loses 790,000 days a year in More

HCB News

HCB Newsletters

We have a new section on our website containing all our newsletters, information booklets, links to websites that offer more More

HCB News

Will Brexit affect the health and wellbeing of the UK workforce?

Well, everyone else is going to put out their take on what the Brexit vote means so we at HCB More

Early intervention

Cancer – Early intervention and why it works

Cancer is one of those words that causes nearly everyone to look up from what they are doing and listen.  More

HCB News

Zika virus – are you aware?

There has been a lot of discussion, hype and panic about the potential impact of the Zika virus. We at More