
HCB News

Zika virus – are you aware?

There has been a lot of discussion, hype and panic about the potential impact of the Zika virus. We at More

HCB News

Procurement – Pulling the plug on new ideas?

Does procurement kill enterprise? I really must stop travelling by train on my own, as it gives me time to More

HCB News

Pension Scheme – at the heart of BHS woes

An article on the BBC News website about the BHS pension scheme “Pension scheme at heart of BHS woes” states More

Early intervention

Vocational Rehabilitation – THE BENEFITS

IT WORKS! My apologies for shouting out loud in the subject title to this article, but having just seen an extremely interesting More

HCB News

Happy Birthday – James Harris Investigations

Jim our MD & Chairman, has just emailed everyone at HCB simply saying: ” just realised – James Harris Investigations More

HCB News

What are the Benefits of Sunlight?

Sunshine, what is it good for? (anyone that wants to hum the Edwin Starr classic please feel free).  It must More

Early intervention

Is there a cure for the Healthcare and Wellness marketplace confusion?

Joining up the dots Why are Insurance Companies and Intermediaries incapable of joining up Private Medical Insurance (PMI) and Group More

Early intervention

Is it all in the mind?

In the week when all the news seems to be about EU referendums, the BBC has been running an excellent More