Our 25th Anniversary Party

Staff, clients and friends of HCB met together at the Victory Services Club in London on the 5th July, to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. HCB’s Managing Director, Jim Harris, in his address, thanked the huge list of friends and supporters who had contributed to the company along the way, through challenging, as well as successful times. Particular mentions were given to the late Des Le Grys and Munich Re for providing the seed capital that established HCB in 1993, and the friendship and support afforded by GenRe  as subsequent shareholders, and Al Hemond of Professional Disability Associates in Portland, Maine, USA, who has supported HCB throughout the journey in so many ways.

Other notable mentions were for Peter Le Beau, John Gillman, and the late Dr John Lo Cascio, for their tireless contributions to HCB’s development, not to mention Peter Smith, a former shareholder and Director, and pioneer of HCB’s home visiting service. Now aged 86, Peter was present at the celebration, proving that he still has plenty of energy and stamina to travel up and meet with old friends.

There was particular thanks for Sir Mansel Aylward for providing the research and knowledge which has underpinned HCB’s core Early Intervention service, which has helped thousands of employees return to work in optimum time. Sir Mansel and Lady Aylward attended the HCB celebration after Sir Mansel had presented a miners lantern to the Speaker of the House of Commons in his capacity as Chair of the Bevan Commission. HCB’s celebration was on the 70th Anniversary of the NHS.

It was a wonderful way to spend a hot summers evening in Central London, with so many special people, and a very proud occasion for everyone at HCB.

We do hope you enjoy the photographs.


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