This morning alongside Monica Garcia, an Independent Health & Wellbeing consultant, HCB’s Head of Clinical Services, Chrissy Clark, presented to Peter Le Beau’s Virtual Network on the topic of Long Covid, or Post Covid Syndrome, as it is now more correctly referred to. Monica spoke of the worrying implications of Post Covid Syndrome for Disability Insurers and Chrissy talked of HCB’s practical experience gained so far, in the management of Post Covid Cases under management by HCB Case Managers.
Monica reported that over 1.1 million people are currently suffering with Long Covid, with the most affected age group being in the 35-69 age bracket (working age!) and mostly female sufferers.
Both presenters spoke of the many unknowns of this condition, but what is clear is that a multi discipline approach is needed for effective outcomes. Symptoms are multi-faceted and are evolving all the time and therefore a bespoke pathway is required. HCB’s treatment pathway has already had a positive impact on some cases, even at this early stage.